Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree! and other stuff


I got an email poke from a friend telling me I haven't blogged in a while...oops!  I've been very busy!  I finished making some Christmas presents, got Roman's quilt top completed, got the tree up and decorated, and started decorating the house, not to mention all the shopping I've been doing for Christmas presents for the littles!  Here's a picture of our tree this year...very pretty even if I do say so myself!

I just love this tree.  Andy and I got it the year we got engaged.  We had so much fun picking out ornaments for it.  We decorated it in blue, silver, white and clear ornaments.  So many of the ornaments have a special memory attached to them.

Here's a picture of Roman's quilt top.  It's a quick and easy pattern but turns out cute every time I make one.

I'd like to get it quilted this weekend but also have lots of Christmas gifts to wrap...decisions decisions!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I got this as part of a message today in an email...just in case I forget God's awesomeness I copied this part of the email and am going to print it out and put it on my desk:

I am God, the only God you've had or ever will have— incomparable, irreplaceable—From the very beginning telling you what the ending will be, All along letting you in on what is going to happen, ASSURING YOU, 'I'm in this for the long haul, I'll do exactly what I set out to do,' I've said it, and I'll most certainly do it. I've planned it, so it's as good as done."
This is your God! He will bring evil to an end, and He will take care of you! He is in this journey for the long haul!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Someone mentioned I need to add a counter to my blog...to bad she didn't mention HOW to do that!!!

I had a wonderful evening last night visiting with 2 quilting friends.  Sandra had accidentally stitched through her finger so she wasn't able to do any work but came to keep me and Cheryl company anyway.  Cheryl brought at least 3 projects to work on and seemed to get a lot done even though I gabbed her ear off!  Oh and she brought over bunches of cool stuff...scrapbooking supplies and magazines, rick rack, cross stitch kits, and tons of all-occasion cards!  It felt like Christmas!  She was making the cutest ornaments for a swap.  I'd tell you about them but they may be a surprise so I'd better not...yet. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Day

Today is a new day.  I may get down but I refuse to stay there.  My God is greater than anything I could ever go through.  When I have my down times I usually allow myself a day or so to acknowledge my problem, wallow in it, then it's time to get over it.  Today is the day to get over it.  I have no control over others...only in how I react to them!  I am a daughter of the most high God and therefore am blessed beyond imagination!  I read someplace that if a mountain was smooth there would be no place for your hands and feet to hold onto! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bone Weary

Have you ever heard that phrase?  I don't think I made it up...or did I?  Either way, that's how I feel today.  Tired to my core...tired in my soul...bone weary.  I don't want to feel this way but sometimes it just happens, sometimes there are good reasons and sometimes fear just takes ahold and settles in until all that's left is bone weary.  Mine didn't just happen today and while there are reasons for it I think mine is from fear today...time to pray away my fears.  Fears are not from God.  I thought I needed Ibuphrophin for my headache.  I think I just need to spend more time on my knees in prayer today. 

On another note...Saturday is my stepson Colton's 22 birthday.  We won't be celebrating it with him since he's celebrating with Jesus...someday we will though.  That's a comforting thought.  I sure do miss that kid.  Depression is a nasty disease and it took him much too young.  If someone in your life suffers from depression please don't take it lightly.  We miss you Colton and love you so much. 

Colton was so excited to get his iPod for Christmas that year!

Friday, November 4, 2011

After Photo as Promised

Ta Da!  Here is the after photo as promised!

I also took a gold pen and drew lines like sewing on the "cut" side.  It's now on the wall along with a scissors and a fake thimble. 


A couple of weekends ago I went strolling around Joann's and found a really cute sign for the sewing room.  It said SEW/CUTE.  Well it was cute but I thought it would be cuter if it said SEW/CUT.  Low and behold there was one laying there that had the "e" broken off!  It was marked 50% off!  There was also a sign saying that all of them were 50% off so I went to the register and asked if that meant it was 50% off of 50% and the guy said yes!!!  Be still my heart!  I got the sign for $3.25!!!!  Took that little cutie home and used an emery board to sand the cut, grabbed a black Sharpie pen and colored it over and started gluegunning buttons all over the SEW part of it.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do to the CUT part but felt that buttons on there would be too much.  By the next evening I'd gotten the idea to Modge Podge some fabric on it like a crazy quilt...oh and paint the / grey since it was supposed to be a needle.  Off to the store I went for the MP and grey paint.  Here are before and after pics. 


I'll post a pic of it finished as soon as it arrives in my email.